Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
Put an Italian spin on this traditional Asian dish with bibb lettuce filled with fresh antipasto made from Margherita® Pepperoni, artichoke hearts, roasted...
A fresh take on the classic baked, stuffed pepper, bursting with chopped, thick-sliced Margherita® Pepperoni, baby spinach, rice and bubbling provolone...
A traditional Italian sub is spread with savory garlic mayonnaise, piled high with sliced Margherita® Pepperoni, Genoa Salami and Capicola, then finished...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
Margherita® Genoa Salami with ricotta, Romano and mozzarella cheeses mingle with an array of Italian spices to create the perfect twist on this classic...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
A fresh take on the classic baked, stuffed pepper, bursting with chopped, thick-sliced Margherita® Pepperoni, baby spinach, rice and bubbling provolone...